Less Common Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

Gnome/Windows 11 Web Browser
Alt+F6 - Switch Windows of same app (⌘+`)
Alt+Esc - Cycle through Windows (current WS no HUD)
⌘+Tab ⌘+Tab - Cycle through Windows (All WSs with HUD)
⌘+Page Up/Down Ctrl+⌘+←/→ - activate left/right workspace  
⇧+⌘+PageDown - move window to right workspace
⇧+⌘+←/→ - Move window one monitor to left/right.
Ctrl+PageDown - Move to tab to the right
F10 - Open first menu of app (usually File)
⇧+F10 - Right mouse click contextual menu
⇧+Ctrl+N - Create new folder (Nautilus)
Alt+↑/↓ - Enter parent/child directory (Nautilus)
⌘+v - Show clipboard history (custom GPaste)
⌘+z - Windows 11 Snap Layouts
Ctrl+⌘+d - Add a virtual workspace
Ctrl+Tab - Switch to the next tab
Alt/Ctrl+1..9 - Locate to tab ...
Ctrl+d - Bookmark the current tab
⇧+Ctrl+d - Bookmark all open tabs
Ctrl+g - Find next after find (F3)
⇧+Ctrl+g - Find previous (after find)
Ctrl+Alt+h - Open LastPass (custom key binding)
Ctrl+k - Focus built in web search
Ctrl+u - open source code for page in new tab
Middle click tab - Close tab
Middle click page - Open link in new background tab
⇧+Middle click page - Open link in new foreground tab
F6 - Move to next frame
F7 - Caret browsing
⇧+Ctrl+N - Undo close window (FF) or private (Chrome)

VS Code
Alt-Click - Add another cursor
Select+Ctrl+d - add multi-cursor at next instance as well 
Alt+↑ - Move current line up one line
⇧+Alt - box selection of text
⇧+Alt+↑ - Extend Cursor upwards
⇧+Alt+→ - Extend selection horizontally
F2 - rename all instances of a variable or function
F12 - go to definition
Ctrl+[ - shift selection left or Ctrl+] right
Ctrl+b - toggle side panel
Ctrl+d - go to next after find/current selection
Ctrl+g - go to line
Ctrl+j - toggle focus between editor/terminal
Ctrl+l - select line (can be repeated to select following)
Ctrl+p - search files
Ctrl+x - with nothing selected cuts the entire line
Ctrl+/ - comment code (works on Jupyter also)
Ctrl+\ - split editor
Ctrl+Alt+n - run current file (see code-runner settings)
⇧+Ctrl+Alt+↓ - Copy line down
⇧+Ctrl+i - format code
⇧+Ctrl+l - rename all similar text
Ctrl+k s - save all
Ctrl+k Ctrl+s - keyboard shortcuts
⇧+Ctrl+o - find by code
⇧+Ctrl+v - preview (markdown)
Ctrl+Enter - move cursor to new line below
New file ! then tab - creates html template

Jupyter (in VS Code)

  • esc - command mode j/k down/up m/y markdown/code
  • enter - edit mode in cell from command mode
  • Ctrl+Enter - to run the current cell
  • ⇧+Enter - run the current cell and advance to the next.